In Katarzyna Klein's Studio
Katarzyna Klein's studio is a busy place; with activity - she paints, working on several images at a time, whilst her son works on the computer, and with visual imagery - filled as it is with ceramics, packaging, print and textiles.
Inspiration for the sweep of encircling bays in her landscapes come from the curves of loved ceramics, seedhead globes from from the dried flowers in vases dotted around her space. Katarzyna's palette, dominated by turquoise, green and blue also decorates her home and furnishings, the red accents in her paintings, used for buildings and tiny detail are picked up in the piping on cushions, ceramic decoration and graphic print around the home. Everywhere you look are shapes and patterns; on china, button cards and fabrics and created by the artful positioning of objects beside each other. It is a stimulating environment, warm, active and engaging, just like Katarzyna herself. In her paintings Katarzyna becalms the busy-ness, orders and unifies these eclectic influences to create restful images upon which to dwell.